Special Events
For anyone interested in holistic healing, supporting health naturally, and/or the way of herbs...from kitchen spices and vegetables to medicines we grow in our gardens and harvest from wild spaces.
We strive to deliver content in a way that is helpful for everyday living, is informative without being too clinical or overwhelming and supports people of all ages.
Previous Events
Wellness Experience
Feb 23rd
3 - 6pm
$40 / Person
Join us for a rejuvenating winter wellness event! Immerse yourself in a day of self-care and relaxation as we embrace the magic of the late winter season.
We'll begin with wholesome snacks and mocktail mixers, highlighting the flavors and aromas from plants harvested on our land.
We'll explore activities and wellness practices that bring balance to our body, mind and heart, making space for reflection, clarity and calm.
We'll end the evening with a deeply relaxing soundbath + meditation.
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Arrivals - shake it off with mocktails, herbal tea & snacks. Settle in, enjoy delicious food, mocktail mixers and tasty herbal tea.
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Game time - unwind, be curious & have fun (for all abilities). Who doesn't like to get a little silly once and awhile? As adults, we often forget what it's like to play and have fun. Games help us tap into the curious, adventurous, wonderous parts of ourself.
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Spinal Flow Technique demo + Q&A...
Spinal Flow is a technique developed by Dr.Carli Axford that prompts our spine and nervous system to release and integrate stress that causes spinal blockages and prevents spinal flow. It involves light touch, is gentle and non-invasive.
Benefits include stress reduction, improved sleep, and relief from stress of the day as well as stressors stored in the body. Spinal Flow uses the innate wisdom of the body to heal and promote vibrant life.
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Sound-Bath Meditation + Closing
Immerse yourself in the experience of sound healing created through the vibrational frequencies of quarts crystal singing bowls.
We'll begin with a guided grounding & centering. The bowls are played as you still your mind and connect through your breath. The sound portion is followed by a period of silence with time for questions and optional sharing at the end.
Bring a water bottle, cushion/pillow, small blanket and anything else you need to be comfortable for a 40+ minute sitting meditation.

Free Community
Soundbath & Meditation
March TBA
Time TBA
Registration required...
space is limited.
What is a Sound Bath Meditation?
After a guided grounding & centering, we'll begin with a gentle drum beat, then transition into the song of the crystal singing bowls.
Through a process known as "entrainment" (created by the vibratory affects of the singing bowls), your
brainwave activity begins to shift. Your body relaxes, mind chatter slows down, breathing deepens & in time, you enter into a deep meditative state. This is
when the magic and healing happens!!
Bring a water bottle and anything else you need to be comfortable sitting.
Register below.
Wild & Weedy Wellness
a one-day retreat experience
March 23rd
9am - 3pm
$125 / Person
Includes all materials and supplies
We've been tasked with a mission! Our adventure begins near the vernal equinox, and we're going on a foraging expedition through the farm fields and forest. What will we discover, who might we meet, and what secrets will we uncover?
This retreat experience is a fully immersive foraging adventure that teaches skills you'll want & need when exploring wild spaces (your nearby parks, wildlife areas and preserves).
Foraging 101 - safety, plant identification and communication allows us to connect in meaningful ways with the land, wildlife and plants around us.
We'll then gather in the barn kitchen where we'll transform nature's bounty into medicinal and/or culinary delights.
We will discuss shared patterns between our own bodies and the living earth and how we might be mutually supported through attuning to the energies and qualities of the season.

Kitchen Witchery
+ Fire Cider
November 4th
1-3 pm
$55 / Person
Includes all materials and supplies
Common kitchen spices and herbs offer so much more than good flavor. They are antimicrobial powerhouses, provide targeted immune support and can even provide relief of annoying cold symptoms.
Fire Cider is a seasonal winter remedy we always have on hand in our household...and it can be made from common grocery store ingredients!
It can be enjoyed as a daily immune tonic and/or as an immune booster at the onset of cold symptoms. I personally enjoy a shot of Fire Cider added to a cup of warm tea each day. It's my favorite way to remedy bone-chilling cold that is common in the darkest days of winter.
Moving beyond the dinner plate, we'll prepare these foods in new and interesting ways, including a Fire Cider remedy to take home. Fire Cider is fairly easy to make...and recipes are varied.
Longevity Teas &
Herbal Infusions
November 18th
1-3 pm
$55 / Person
Includes all materials and supplies
Tea is one of the easiest ways to both enjoy and support our health with herbs. Some herbs support best with daily consumption while others are best used for a short period of time.
We'll get to know several herbs, their qualities as perceived through the senses, and how to go about choosing the best herbs based upon how we're feeling and what symptoms we're experiencing...
for immunity,
to alleviate sinus pressure,
to soothe a sore throat,
to lift chest congestion,
to reduce headache intensity,
to soothe digestion
to ease nervous tension
and more.

The Winter Cauldron
Herbal Steam & Smoke
December 2nd
1-3 pm
$55 / Person
Includes all materials and supplies
Slow down, turn awareness towards your body's most subtle rhythms and take a step into the realm of herbal steam and smoke.
We'll explore the ways herbal smoke has been and is continually used for healing & energy clearing.
Herbal steams offer many benefits for home and body. These plants are easy to come by, either at the grocery store and often times not far from our front door (free).
Enjoy a guided meditation along with your herbs of choice to take home.